Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Research Proposal:Electonic Mail

Electronic mail or email as an abbreviation. It is very well know as email. We can define the email as a store and forward method of composing, sending, storing and receiving messages over electronic communication system. The email term known as a verb and a noun applies both to the internet email system based on the simple email transfer protocol (SMTP) and to the internet system allowing users within one organization to email each others. How could be our life without email? , electronic mail uses as an excellent tool for learning in distance and makes the life more efficient. With electronic mail I can contact people; meanwhile, it's saving my time.

The history of the email have started early in 1960, by creating a file program called CTSS (Compatible time sharing system). The researchers on that time create a file and had sent each other a short message, in 1970 was the first time transfer between machines-to- machine by hacker called Ray Tomlinson.

Traditionally, distance and border between people is a big issue especially on learning and teaching manner, from this viewpoint and to make the learners get the information very easily and to make the teachers give the information much easier, for those who are considering the distance and the time is big issue and for those who can't meet each other for variety of reasons the electronic mail technology solve this matter in perfect way. Face to face contacts become infrequent for distance learning technology to bring learners and teachers closer together.

Some times the schedules for the teachers are completely reserved. Always large number of learners few numbers of teachers, the time table is inconvenient to the learners or the students and inconvenient for the teachers in the same time. Electronic mail technology resolves the difficulty on this kind of communication. Even in filing problems for the teachers the electronic mail explained it in amazing way. With the electronic mail facility, teachers never want to files their papers and the homework that is receiving for the students, all the coming messaging and the outgoing messaging is saved on the electronic mail.

In addition electronic mail meets all most of the needs specifically the teachers and the learners needs. In the schedules concern the teachers don't need any more to but it and to arrange it with the students. In contrast, the students don't need to go or to call the teachers to discus the schedules manner every thing is so easy, comfortable and convenient for both, teachers and learners in learning in distance and in the way of contact and communicate between them.

Moreover, the teachers can response very easy and quickly to their students without meeting each other face to face. With this kind of technology the education will become very effortless for most of the people. Specifically, for some of the old people that they don't need to attend classes with younger student or for those who are so busy to attend the classes every day in particular place and exact time.

Furthermore, the teachers can give a feedback for individual student and student can ask whatever questions for the teachers without any embarrassment. The electronic email technology makes the people communicate with freedom and without any kind of restrictions. The email technology also makes the communication between all the people much easier and convenient and brings all people much closer to each other.

Really email is an invaluable educational tool. Student and teacher can easily visit people and places anywhere in the world. Classes can communicate and do projects with student and teachers in other countries, match with any one in any place or contact the president to ask questions. Thousand of students already use email to share information, practice foreign language and swap the school news, to learn more about any things or even to inquire about the weather.

The electronic mail is blessing for the majority of the people around the world. Email is one of the most important technologies in the world. It is a gift from god. Do imagining the life without electronic mail? How will be the world without email? Indeed Without email the life will be really difficult and it will be wasting most of our times for instant: we will spend a lot of times in meetings instead of pushing the button for sending email and telling the world what we need from each other through emails. Imagine in the office's work in company or university or even in the schools environment how the people could contact with each other in professional way if we don’t have email. In addition finding a lot of email inbox is not the email problem it's kind of spam, that companies which most of us don't know them sending email for advertisement or commercial that make the inbox always full of message.

On the other hand people will contact others by telephone but thinking deeply about the telephone is much waste of time and it's not official like email.

Also Email can be found easily between thousands of emails, nevertheless, searching about one phone call between thousand of calls will be disaster. Phone calls can be found but it will cost you a lot of time beside that searching for calls will be in specific place for instance going to a recording center is mandatory to find them on the same time remembering the time and the date is not less important than going to recording center in order to find the call. In contrast the emails make the life much easier in case of searching, though. Finding or searching about email is much easier than any other technology just by looking by the name or by date just by pushing the button the email can be found easily. People don't have to go to the telephone or the recording center. Really with email no body need to go through all of these complicated processes, just by pushing the button Email can save a lot of times.

In addition keeping the email much longer than any device or any used technology it can be found much easier especially in the big organization where they have bigger server and herd desks where the employee's usually kept their files for long time.

On the mention article by Andrew said, the emails he had discovered when he got form his vacation were like 1,218 unread email, that is really too much spending of time just try to figure out what is important email and what are the email that don't have to read it on this time. Answering the question that has been asked before about if the email is blessing or curse? Saying blessing is the good answer, why? Because the mentioned problem is one of the email problem, but this problem could be controlled. When people face problems like this is because always when people creating an email they always asked if they want the company to contact them, they always ask if when you create a new account if the participant like to receive commercial in the email or not , or want to receive advertisement on the email or not even this some times can chose the type of the emails that you want to have ,for instance, if people are in yahoo page and someone want to create user name under yahoo website you will be asked while creating the username and the password that for example if want this companies to send you emails or not and they usually having a list that the user should go through. When Andrew had been creating his username or his password ha had been asked if he want to receive advertising from this company but he did not recognize that and by continuing pushing the button continue.

On the same time they will let all the companies on their list to contact the participant so that was the problem for Andrew, he can just go and modify his username in order to solve the problem, because that happened to me one time when creating email for the first time when having my new computer and I was creating email on the MSN and I did not recognize the questions and I said yes and continue for all the companies. On that time yes the email was like curse for me and I had received many messages form people and companies I don't know and I never ever heard about them, but then I asked my friend and they told me that I have just to modify my username , and after I did I never receive email form them.

Is the electronic mail blessing or curse? Last month, after a week vacation, I discovered 1,218 unread e-mail messages waiting in my inbox. I pretended to be dismayed, but secretly was pleased. This is how we measure our wired worth in the late 1990s.if you aren't overwhelmed by e-mail you must be doing something wrong (Leonard 149).

Electronic mail is really effective and successful technology. Electronic mail changed the way of doing a lot of things and one of the things that the electronic mail is changed is doing business. Some times people complain about the emails they receive, however we all like it and can't live without it.

How effective is the electronic mail? The electronic mail can manage without doubt, all the mail that you receive and all your response email on your screen can be control, all the proposal can be simply answered, revised, store, and sent to others all of these work can be done without involving one paper.

In addition the electronic mail is much faster comparing with a lot of technology now a day. Mail can be delivered immediately form where you at to anywhere in the world. We believe that no other technology in world can provide such a service. Comparing to telephone calls, faxes or courier services electronic mail is less expensive.

Meanwhile electronic mail is easy to filter, subject on the email makes the email is easy to find massages. The majority of reader can identify critical correspondence quickly and make deal with it on the same time. Unlike regular mail which needs to be opened and reviewed, or voice mail which requires you to either listen to or scan all your massages to those that require immediate action or immediate attention.

Beside, the electronic mail technology is secure and reliable. Most of the technicians assert that the email transmitting is very high and it's still improved day after day. Email is private. Often telephone and fax are not. If the address information is correct, rarely does an email lost. In contrast fax machine can be out of order or out of paper and this obstacles can prevent important messages from being delivered.

Moreover, electronic mail is marketing tool that is fast, easy to use, inexpensive and effective. Any one can use the email as a method of delivering the message.

The email can do any thing for people, many things can be done through email even the crime can be committed vie email you can be a con artist or real artist via email. That is really true. Eventfully all the email user can't agree any more.

Email technology makes the people very close to each other on the same time it can save money especially during making phone calls. For example if someone is in the United State and the other person live in China and they want to contact each other, by making this long distance call they will lose a lot of money to make it , but if they write to each other they can save a lot of time and money. Living without the electronic mail, is really difficult, because people have to do a lot of things that can be done by pressing a button like if someone want to pay a car by sending email and writing the description of the car and sure someone will be responded. All what is the payer need is to contact the seller by sending email and find the place to meet and see the car, instead of going to the car show that may they don't have the car that the buyer need to buy.

Email can live with it, can't live without it, Con artists and real artists, advertiser and freedom fighters, lovers and sworn enemies- they've all flocked of expression. E-mail is convenient, saves time brings us closer to one another, help us manage our ever more complex lives books are written, campaigns conducted, crimes committed – all via e-mail (Leonard 150).

According to an interview which took a place in my apartment with one of my friend whom has been here in Colorado for almost more then 4 years and having a very good business in buying and selling cars.

He assert that the electronic mail effect his life and business in very good and professional way and this email is make his life much sophisticated. He announced that before 2 years he didn't use the email a lot, so on that time the contacting his customer cost him a lot of times , effort and money.

Consequently he has to call people form Saudi Arabia in order to know their requirements about the cars and those phone calling cost him a lot of money and time. Some times he calls them but no body answer leaving a voice mail but they didn't call him again. The businessman said that the business was almost miserable. In contract, today trading the car become one of the most exciting things due to the electronic mail. Responding to his costumers become faster with email just replay the email on the same time to make the consumer feel much better and to tell them at least the email is received and your order will be delivered on this day instead of call them and lose a lot of times and money.

On the other hand there are some difficulties with the emails, which some times the email is not clear and the reader can misunderstand it, or it can be undelivered according to network problems.

In addition to his business chatting or sending emails to his parents and his family was much easier than before, with email his life came more official and sophisticated and he said that with email he saved a lot of times.

However it's wise to remember how easily this wonderful email technology can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with serious consequences. some times the email could be really disaster for a little mistake, some times if one letter missing it can be very bad for the sender for instant there a story happened and this email mix-up can tell us how is the email can be disaster.

Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow – filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email. Unable to find the scrap of paper on witch he had written her email address, he did his best to type it in form memory. Unfortunately, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife, whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint at the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

Dear Wife,Just got check in. Everything prepared of your arrival tomorrow.P.S Sure is hot down here (E-mail 183).

In conclusion Email is very helpful for student who like to study and learn on distance and it's make the life much easier, efficient, faster and really make the life more cheaper especially compeering with other technology, on the other hand electronic mail technology it tell you how to save your time instead of losing it in calling your families or friends or even costumer by any other kind of technology. Now the people have this important technology and they will enjoy it because it's very useful for any person in any field.I'm trying to convince the readers that the email is a very nice technology and it's very difficult to live without it. It's make our live much easier in business, learning in distance, contacting people and it's really official and secure and I encourage everyone to know that email can be blessing if we know how to use it.

Works Cited

Andrew, Leonard. “We’ve Got Mail – Always.” New Directions. Cambridge: NY, 2005: 149-153.

AlHarthi, Mohammed. Personal interview. 15 Jun. 2007.

Email Mix-up.” New Directions. Cambridge: NY, 2005: 183.

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